Some blessings are too big for blog posts.

So I guess we’ll start with an invitation: Fave and I would like to invite you to a birthday party.  A surprise party, really, since the guest of honor doesn’t have a clue.  A party for somebody precious, and awesome, and wildly loved.  Somebody tiny, who will need you.  You, after all, are our village.

I’ve been thinking a lot about villages lately, these nights when I’m kept awake by the alien stretchings of change behind my belly button.  I’ve been thinking about so many of you, and how completely beautiful you are – our imperfect, varied, opinionated, brilliant family – the perfection of your placement in our lives is so obvious and humbling and appreciated I can’t even begin to explain it to you.

It takes a village, and I’m so very grateful for ours.

So come October, you’re invited to join the celebration, the big hooray (!) that is the birth (and life) of our daughter or son.  He or she might have Favorite’s eyes, or my smile, but I’m hoping he’ll (she’ll) also have your sense of humor, your relentless hope, your ability to see value in everyone, your crazy dance moves, the influence of your political opinions or philosophy or faith or open mind, your culinary talent, your crafty genius, your head for math, your musical presence, your unique whatever it is that is so preciously, valuably different from what Fave and I can offer on our own.

It takes a village, and we’re so blessed, so very, very blessed that you’re ours.  I’m so excited for this baby, excited that he or she (take a guess!  Bragging rights can be yours!) will get to be part of our crazy community.  So excited for what our kid gets to learn from all of you.  So grateful to have you in this with us.

Gah!!!!!  We’re having a baby!!!!!!!!!  🙂 🙂 🙂


  • Shahnnen March 20, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Bah! I’m so excited for you guys! You’ll be great parents and the mini-fav will be so loved!

  • Laura Thurston March 20, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    So beautifully written. We are so happy for you two, and for ourselves!! We love you.

  • Morgan March 20, 2012 at 9:34 pm

    AHHHHHH!!!! This post made me shed a tear (or twelve)! And I’m only a closet softy!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! What a blessed young boy (haha, my wager, just gonna go for it) to have you two as parents, truly… <3

  • Kim Robbie March 26, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Okay, I’m sitting at my desk with tears streaming down my face and a big goofy smile on my face because I’m SO EXCITED!!! You and Favorite are going to become Mommy and Daddy! This is by far the best news I’ve received all day. You two are going to be amazing parents. I wish you a healthy pregnancy and happy times preparing for this blessed occassion.


  • Laura Scarborough March 28, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    oh goody-goody! You will LOVE this adventure…even if it exhausts you, challenges you and sometimes drives you a little bit crazy. Your folks are excellent models…look how good you turned out! I bet they are over the moon too. They will love this grandparent gig and you will be a wonderful Mommy! Congratulations!!!

  • Emelina March 29, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    and oooooooh, what a party it will be!

    congratulations on your parents, tiny little baby person!

  • karyn April 16, 2012 at 7:35 am

    Man, I just went back to read these comments and totally lost it. Thanks, everyone… I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support and excitement!!! We’re so dang blessed.